CrystalGate Clients

All clients have already been run through UO Rice and are ready to run on Crystalgate.

If you don't know which client you need, 99% likely you need a 2D 4.x.x Client. Recommended: Newest Version


 Download this if you are bouncing off of rocks

2D 4.x.x Clients

These are also fixed to lower CPU usage

3D Third Dawn Clients 

Only use if you are using a 3D install of Third Dawn

3D Lord Blackthorns Revenge Clients 

Only use if you are using a 3D install of Lord Blackthorns Revenge

3D Age of Shadows Clients 

Only use if you are using a 3D install of Age of Shadows

2D 3.x.x Clients 

*Warning* Make a copy of the folder named "desktop" in your UO Directory for backup purposes. Going from client versions above 3.0.6 back to versions below 3.0.6 WILL reset your macros!!!!

Unsupported. Use only if you have to and at your own risk

3.0.0c Riced CPU Fix


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